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Szent-István Day Performance
Tours 2004. Augusztus 21-22. Szolnok GÖRDÖGÖK SC. |
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A few
words about the tour:
The Szent-István Day Performance Tour was first organised on 20th August 1998. The aim with this new opprtunity was to make touring more popular and to get the city and its surroundings known by the local people and with the tourists as well. The tour has been organised annually since 1998 and will be held in on 20th August 2005.
Distances: 33-66-100 km.
One can go (preferably) by bike, walk or ride on a horse to see the end. The route leads through various terrain (dam, dirt road, etc.) therefore passing some parts might be difficult after a heavy rainfall.
Distance: |
Time limit: |
33 km |
by bike 2 óra 40 perc, walking: 8 óra |
66 km |
by bike 5 óra 20 perc, walking: 16 óra |
100 km |
by bike 8 óra, walking: 24 óra |
Prize: certificate of merit and a pin to commemorate
the event
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Assembly point: Szolnok, Tiszaliget Tourist
Center Time: 08.00hrs Route: ( 100 km ) Szolnok, Tiszaliget Turisztikai
Központ, Milléri Vízügyi Múzeum, Feketevárosi Holt-Tisza, Kovácsi, Palotás, Holt-Zagyva, Hegyes-halom, Sas-halom,
Ipartelep, Szent István Tiszahíd, Szandaszõlös, |
How to reach us:
GÖRDÖGÖK Kerékpáros és Egyéb Szabadidõ
e-mail: gordogok@gordogok.hu
address: 5000 Szolnok, Holló u. 15.
Telefon/fax: +36-56/428-721, mobil:+36-30/2293440,
Our sponsors: TANDEM-SZOLNOK KFT, Wesselényi Miklós Sport Közalapítvány