"Windmill" Cycle-tour in Hungary!
21-30 June 2002.
On the dykes of the Tisza-river with windmills,
birdwatching, botanic garden …
21. June Arriving in Budapest-Rákoskert Cycle
Center Hostel Bike Hire!
22. June By train and by bicycle to Kunhegyes
(50 km)
23. June Attend the Hungarian cyclists'
"Windmill warriors tour" for the rebuilding of the windmill in
Kunhegyes. Tour to the windmill in Karcag. (70 km)
24. June Relaxing day in Kunhegyes (Tisza-lake
tour, local spa water…)
25. June Kunhegyes- Kengyel (windmill) - Tiszakürt
(botanic garden) (90km)
26. June Tiszakürt-Mindszent-Makó (90 km)
27. June Join the International and National
Meetings of Cycle Tourists in Makó
28. June Cycle tour as you like it
29. June Ópusztaszer, Skanzen (Hungarian conquest
in the 9th centaury)
30. June By train to Budapest-Rákoskert